
Research on infectious animal diseases invited

Published on
February 3, 2020

The ERA-NET Cofund International Coordination of Research on Infectious Animal Diseases (ICRAD) launched a co-funded call to support multi-disciplinary research to improve animal health and welfare. Research needs to address some of the key epidemic and (re)-emerging threats e.g. African Swine Fever and Animal Influenza, and develop novel detection and intervention strategies.

Pre-proposals should address one of the following research areas:

  • Research area 1: Improved understanding of epidemic and emerging infectious animal diseases;
  • Research area 2: Generic technology platforms for producing novel and/or improved vaccines;
  • Research area 3: High-throughput, rapid, accurate and easy to use in-field detection technologies;

The joint call has an indicative budget of approximately EUR 22.4 million, bringing together 24 funding organisations from 20 countries, including The Netherlands. Submission deadline of pre-proposals is March 31st, and for full proposals August 5th.

More information, including the call document, is available on the ICRAD website.